Webdox Computer Institute

Best Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Learn Faster With Practical Training from Expert Instructors!

Learninig by Doing.

Call Now: +91-98721-18234

Features & Benefits

Free 2 days demo

200+ 5 Star ratings on Google

Separate Day For Doubt Clearance

2 Hour class duration

Practical Projects

Enroll Now!

Features & Benefits

2 Days free demo

Experience a Free 2-Day Demo of our Computer Basics Online Course, an exclusive opportunity not offered elsewhere!

Live class on Google Meet

We provide live lessons using Google Meet, which ensures interactive learning experiences and real-time interaction with teachers.

1 Hour class duration

Experience focused learning with our 1-hour session length, which maximises efficiency while minimising time commitments.

5 Star rated on Google

Our institute has a perfect 5-star Google rating, demonstrating the quality of our courses and the satisfaction of our students.

Separate Session For Doubt Clearence

Our institute provides great assistance through specialised doubt-clearance sessions, ensuring your learning needs are met comprehensively.

Real World Practical Projects

We provide in hands-on learning via practical projects designed to strengthen your skills and knowledge.

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Computer Basics Course in Jalandhar

Core Java

Core Java Programming Course in Jalandhar

Core Python

Basic Python Programming course


C/C++ Programming Course in Jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Online Computer Basic Course in Jalandhar

Advanced Excel

Advanced Excel Course in Jalandhar

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Course in Jalandhar


Cat Pro Course in Jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Tally with GST Course in jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Graphics Design Course in Jalandhar

Web Design

Web Designing Course in Jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Video Editing Course in Jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Modelling and Texturing course

PHP Web Development

PHP Web Development Course in Jalandhar

Advanced Python

Advanced Python Programming Course

Advanced Java

Advanced Java Development Course

Game Development

Unity Game Development Course

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Full Stack Java Development Course

Software Testing with Python

Software Testing with Python Course

Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking Course in Jalandhar

MERN Stack Development

MERN Stack Developer Course in Jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

MEAN Developer Course in Jalandhar

Flutter Development

Flutter Development Course in Jalandhar

IOS Development

IOS Development Course in Jalandhar

Computer Institute in Jalandhar

Android Development Course in Jalandhar

Our Reviews

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