React Native Course in Jalandhar

Empower Your Mobile Development Journey with our React Native Course in Jalandhar: Create Dynamic Cross-Platform Applications.

React Native Course in Jalandhar

About React native course:

Experience a fun adventure with our React Native Course in Jalandhar at Webdox Computer Institute. Our thorough course prepares you to create dynamic, cross-platform mobile applications using React Native. You’ll go deep into the React Native ecosystem with hands-on projects and expert-led workshops, learning how to create stunning and performant apps for iOS and Android. Furthermore, our professional instructors give personalised coaching to ensure you understand complicated ideas efficiently. Whether you’re a new or seasoned developer wanting to improve your mobile development abilities, our React Native course provides a road to success in the ever-changing world of app development.

Modules you will cover in this course:

1. Components:

Begin by learning the fundamentals of React Native components, including how to construct and customise them to create a variety of UI elements including buttons, text inputs, and lists.

2. Navigation:

Dive further into navigation frameworks like React Navigation to learn about various navigation patterns such as stack, tab, and drawer navigation. Learn how to configure navigation across screens, pass parameters, and handle navigation events.

3. State management:

This module include React’s built-in state and context API, as well as third-party libraries such as Redux or MobX. Learn how to efficiently organise and update component states to match changes in the user interface.

3. State management:

This module include React’s built-in state and context API, as well as third-party libraries such as Redux or MobX. Learn how to efficiently organise and update component states to match changes in the user interface.

3. State management:

This module include React’s built-in state and context API, as well as third-party libraries such as Redux or MobX. Learn how to efficiently organise and update component states to match changes in the user interface.

4. API Integration:

Experiment with making HTTP queries to external APIs using tools such as Axios or the built-in Fetch API. Learn how to process answers, parse data, and incorporate it into your programme to create dynamic content and functionality.

5. Animations:

Learn about React Native’s Animated API, which lets you create complicated animations and transitions. Investigate methods for animating component characteristics like as opacity, size, and position, as well as developing unique animations with interpolation and sequences.

6. Testing:

Learn about several techniques to testing React Native apps, such as unit testing with Jest, component testing with the React Testing Library, and end-to-end testing using tools like Detox. Learn how to create test cases and mock dependencies to guarantee that your programme is reliable and functioning.

7. Debugging:

Gain hands-on experience debugging React Native projects using tools such as React Native Debugger, Flipper, and the built-in developer menu. Learn how to investigate component hierarchies, debug JavaScript code, and fix typical issues like performance bottlenecks and user interface flaws.

8. Deployment ways:

Learn about multiple ways for delivering React Native apps to different platforms, including as iOS and Android app stores, as well as the web, utilising tools like Expo or React Native Web. Learn about code signing, app store submission procedures, and optimising your software for distribution.

Duration of the course:

The Duration of this course wil be 3 months

Certification Process:

After successfully completing the React Native course, students will receive certification from Webdox Computer Institute, exhibiting their knowledge and skills in React Native.

Webdox Computer Institute

Address: SCF 4, BSF Colony Market, Near HMV College, Jalandhar. 

Phone: +91-98721-18234



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Institute Certification

Webdox is an ISO Certified and MSME Registered Computer Institute which is located in Jalandhar. Webdox is a Trademark Owned by Webdox Infotech (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.

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